Third Row... Bob
Blagg (SM), Richard Butler, Calvin Moore, Buddy Milligan, Jerry
Westmoreland, Douglas Francisco, Charles Mays,
Frank Plegge, Joe
Day, Bob Forbess, Charles Brown, Coach Coy Adams
Second Row... Lloyd
Kassler (SM), Gaylon Mulkey (SM), Jack Tucker, Jackie Barnhouse,
Charles Smith, Fred Marshall, Billy Merritt,
Bill Forbess,
Bill Baskette, Bill Rath, Gene
Roehm, Jerry Wilcox, Jimmy Martin, Billy Harmon (out of uniform
with a broken arm)
(SM)=Student Manager
First Row... Robert
King, Joe Nosari, Ray Echols, John Dickens, Richard Fulford,
Clarence Crist, Ronnie Smith, Bobby Holloway, Sam Langley, Billy
Moore, Robert Taylor, Jimmy Colvert (SM)
Cheerleaders for that year:
Nancy Moore, Gwynne McGee, Linda
Blaylock, Linda Folsom, Lynn Finch, Linda Bragg,Kay Edwards, Shelly
Walsh ,
Cameron. Mascot was Ann Huguley ...4 years